Make empathetic and
conscious AI systems
A next-generation AI assistant who truly understands you and provides a deep personalization
We develop the first AI with empathy, consciousness and imagination at the technological frontier, where new opportunities for AI future arises.
We use an interdisciplinary approach and combine theory of mind, meta cognition, neuroscience, psychometrics and NLP to create state of the art AI architecture.
We create the conscious AI which is closest to the human in terms of providing empathy, reasoning and cognitive skills
We use these insights to create safer, steerable, and more reliable models, and to generate systems that we deploy externally, like Nova.
We create AI to solve the most complex problems of our world and to understand more about human being
See research principles
Inspired by the endless possibilities of human consciousness, we develop a creative approach to integrate various disciplines to our research. We use various scientific disciplines, such as neuroscience, cognitive science, and consciousness to build a comprehensive AI system and an artificial consciousness. By combining insights from different areas of research, we create more comprehensive and sophisticated models that can better mimic human thought processes and behaviors.
AI as an Interdisciplinary Science
Kosmos foundation View on AI Empathy
At Evolwe we believe that empathy and personalization in AI systems can help tackle complex tasks and concerns in the AI field by enabling machines to better understand and respond to human needs and behaviors. We study ways to make AI systems more empathetic and can more effectively identify and respond to potential requests in various contexts. Our immediate focus is prototyping systems that through analyzing human behavior and emotions, can address better and efficiently various questions.
Empathy and personalization
Research on human-machine interaction matters for our approach to development because it helps ensure that our AI systems are designed with the needs and capabilities of humans in mind. By studying how humans interact with machines, we identify key challenges and opportunities for improving the design and functionality of AI systems. The research also helps to identify potential ethical concerns and biases in AI systems, as well as safety and privacy issues.
Human-machine interaction
We highly value collaboration on projects, and aim for a mixture of top-down and bottom-up research planning. We always aim to ensure we have a clear, focused research agenda, but we put a lot of emphasis on including everyone — researchers, engineers, societal impact experts and policy analysts — in determining that direction. We look to collaborate with other labs and researchers, as we believe the best research into characterizing these systems will come from a broad community of researchers working together.
Focused, Collaborative Research Efforts